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Family and Relationships: Vocabulary related to family members and discussing relationships in Spanish.

Family Members:

  1. Padre: pah-dray (father)
  2. Madre: mah-dray (mother)
  3. Hermano: er-mah-noh (brother)
  4. Hermana: er-mah-nah (sister)
  5. Abuelo: ah-bway-loh (grandfather)
  6. Abuela: ah-bway-lah (grandmother)
  7. Tío: tee-oh (uncle)
  8. Tía: tee-ah (aunt)
  9. Primo: pree-moh (cousin, male)
  10. Prima: pree-mah (cousin, female)
  11. Sobrino: soh-bree-noh (nephew)
  12. Sobrina: soh-bree-nah (niece)


  1. Familia: fah-mee-lee-ah (family)
  2. Parientes: pah-ree-en-tes (relatives)
  3. Padres: pah-dres (parents)
  4. Hijos: ee-hohs (children)
  5. Hijo: ee-hoh (son)
  6. Hija: ee-hah (daughter)
  7. Esposo / Marido: es-poh-soh / mah-ree-doh (husband)
  8. Esposa / Mujer: es-poh-sah / moo-hair (wife)
  9. Novio: noh-vee-oh (boyfriend)
  10. Novia: noh-vee-ah (girlfriend)
  11. Cuñado: koo-nyah-doh (brother-in-law)
  12. Cuñada: koo-nyah-dah (sister-in-law)


  1. Mi familia: mee fah-mee-lee-ah (my family)
  2. Nuestra relación: noo-es-trah reh-lah-see-ohn (our relationship)
  3. Pasar tiempo juntos: pah-sar tee-em-poh hoon-tohs (spend time together)
  4. Llevarse bien: yeh-var-seh byen (get along well)
  5. Tener una discusión: teh-ner oo-nah dees-koo-see-on (have an argument)
  6. Quererse: keh-rehr-seh (to love each other)
  7. Pelearse: peh-lehr-seh (to fight)
  8. Cuidarse mutuamente: kwee-dar-seh moo-too-men-teh (take care of each other)
  9. Compartir: kohm-pahr-teer (to share)
  10. Apoyarse: ah-poh-yar-seh (to support each other)


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