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Clothing and Fashion: Learning the names of different clothing items and describing outfits in Spanish

 Here are some common clothing items in Spanish along with their pronunciations.

T-shirt - Camiseta (kah-mee-seh-tah)

Shirt - Camisa (kah-mee-sah)

Blouse - Blusa (bloo-sah)

Pants - Pantalones (pahn-tah-loh-nes)

Jeans - Vaqueros (bah-keh-ros)

Skirt - Falda (fahl-dah)

Dress - Vestido (behs-tee-doh)

Sweater - Suéter (sweh-tehr)

Jacket - Chaqueta (chah-keh-tah)

Coat - Abrigo (ah-bree-goh)

Hat - Sombrero (sohm-breh-roh)

Shoes - Zapatos (sah-pah-tohs)

Socks - Calcetines (kahl-seh-tee-nehs)

Gloves - Guantes (gwahn-tehs)

Scarf - Bufanda (boo-fahn-dah)

A common outfit for warm weather might be:

  • Camiseta (T-shirt)
  • Pantalones cortos (shorts)
  • Sandalias (sandals)

In Spanish: "En un clima cálido, la gente suele llevar una camiseta, pantalones cortos y sandalias."

For a formal occasion, someone might wear:

  • Vestido (dress)
  • Zapatos de tacón (high heels)
  • Joyería elegante (elegant jewelry)

In Spanish: "Para una ocasión formal, alguien podría llevar un vestido, zapatos de tacón y joyería elegante."

In colder weather, a typical outfit could include:

  • Suéter (sweater)
  • Pantalones vaqueros (jeans)
  • Abrigo (coat)
  • Bufanda (scarf)
  • Guantes (gloves)

In Spanish: "En clima frío, un atuendo típico podría incluir un suéter, pantalones vaqueros, un abrigo, una bufanda y guantes."

Learning the names of different clothing items and describing outfits in Spanish


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