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Weather: Expressing different weather conditions and related vocabulary in Spanish

Sunny - Soleado (soh-leh-ah-doh)

Cloudy - Nublado (noo-blah-doh)

Rainy - Lluvioso (yoo-vee-oh-soh)

Windy - Ventoso (behn-toh-soh)

Snowy - Nevado (neh-vah-doh)

Stormy - Tormentoso (tohr-mehn-toh-soh)

Foggy - Con niebla (kohn nee-eh-blah)

Hot - Caluroso (kah-loo-roh-soh)

Cold - Frío (free-oh)

Mild - Templado (tehm-plah-doh)

Thunderstorm - Tormenta eléctrica (tohr-mehn-tah eh-lehk-tree-kah)

Lightning - Relámpago (reh-lahm-pah-goh)

Hail - Granizo (grah-nee-soh)

Overcast - Cubierto (koo-bee-ehr-toh)

Clear skies - Cielo despejado (syeh-loh dehs-peh-hah-doh)

Here's a list of different weather conditions and related vocabulary in Spanish, along with their English pronunciations.

weather conditions and related vocabulary in Spanish
Image Source FluentU


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