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Food and Drinks: Vocabulary for various foods, drinks, and dining expressions in Spanish

Foods (Comidas):

  • Pizza (pits-ah) - Pizza
  • Hamburger (ham-bur-gur) - Hamburguesa
  • Tacos (tah-kohs) - Tacos
  • Sandwich (sahn-dweech) - Sándwich
  • Pasta (pahs-tah) - Pasta
  • Chicken (chi-kehn) - Pollo
  • Rice (ryss) - Arroz
  • Fish (feesh) - Pescado
  • Salad (sah-lahd) - Ensalada
  • Fruit (froot) - Fruta

Drinks (Bebidas):

  • Water (wah-ter) - Agua
  • Juice (joo-ss) - Jugo
  • Soda (soh-dah) - Refresco
  • Milk (milk) - Leche
  • Tea (tee) - Té
  • Coffee (kof-ee) - Café
  • Hot Chocolate (haht chok-lit) - Chocolate caliente
  • Lemonade (lem-uh-neyd) - Limonada
  • Smoothie (smoo-thee) - Batido
  • Cola (koh-lah) - Cola

Dining Expressions (Expresiones para Comer):

  • Can I have the menu, please? (kan eye hav thuh men-yoo pleez) - ¿Puedo ver el menú, por favor?
  • I would like... (eye wood lyk) - Quisiera...
  • What's the special of the day? (wuts thuh speh-shuhl ov thuh dey) - ¿Cuál es la especialidad del día?
  • Could I get the check, please? (kood eye get thuh chek pleez) - ¿Podría traer la cuenta, por favor?
  • Enjoy your meal! (en-joy yoor meel) - ¡Que disfrutes tu comida!
  • The bill, please. (thuh bil pleez) - La cuenta, por favor.
  • I'm a vegetarian. (eye'm uh veh-juh-tehr-ee-uhn) - Soy vegetariano/a.
  • Is there a non-spicy option? (iz thair uh non-spy-see op-shun) - ¿Hay una opción no picante?
  • Can I have extra ketchup, please? (kan eye hav ek-struh kech-up pleez) - ¿Puede traerme más ketchup, por favor?
  • I'm allergic to nuts. (eye'm uh-ler-jik too nuts) - Soy alérgico/a a los frutos secos.

Here are some vocabulary words related to food, drinks, and dining expressions in Spanish, along with their English pronunciation

food, drinks, and dining expressions in Spanish


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